Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sitting down with an old friend. You can only imagine the topics of our conversation. Getting ready to leave, the topic of choice was brought up. Choice. We were given the ability to choose. Each friend giving her perspective of the word 'choice' brought up many stories, keeping us at the restaurant longer.

As humans, we tend to think and analysis. Bad? Maybe. Good? Maybe. I find myself at times, thinking too much and looking into things too much. We all do it. I love to figure things out. No instructions. No guide. Just me figuring out a material object. It doesn't always work and I might have to read the manual but I love building it, nonetheless. Figuring people out. It is hard. Why try? Why not just let them be who they are. Except it. Do not coward down but rather spill over into their life and see what becomes.

I do not mind change. I would love to move from Jackson. I would love to get up every morning and run. These things would be a change in my daily life. I have been that person who took a left turn and faced a choice: straighten back up or keep turning left. These things that cause us to turn can be a relationship, work, money, etc. You get the point. Job, Peter and Sarai (just to name a few) were all faced with difficult situations and had to make a choice. God never left them. God simply said he will be with us, always. How refreshing.

Focusing too hard and too long on this New Year, would not be a good thing for me. The best is to let it happen. Things happen. We have the choice of how we handle everything that comes into our lives. If you must cry, cry hard. If you must scream, scream loud. Allow these changes to have a positive effect on you. Then you will have the grace to stand up and be the person you were created to be. Individuality. Good.

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