Monday, November 16, 2009
Yet, there is beauty
I truly believe we should make each day great. Smile. Laugh. Work hard. And do great things. How beautiful to wake up to a new day. One day to make it better than the last and give it all you have.
Love the ones you love, with all you have. Pass out smiles and hugs. Sit back and laugh.
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Twain had a sense of humor. I appreciate that. There are many wonderful quotes from him but by far, my favorite is- Humor is a great thing, the saving thing. The minute is crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes their place.
How very true. Laughter is favorite thing. I can say that it is a huge part of my life. Thank goodness. Without it, I can't imagine life. When the stress of life, work and relationships get to be 'too' much, a good laugh is what I need. I had that tonight. I had dinner with a group of old friends. People I worked with 5 years ago. It was great. It was full of laughter.
How much do you laugh? Does a bad day at work take away your laughter? Does a rough relationship take away your laughter? Laugh. It heals. Laugh until it hurts. I just love that!
I moved to the Reservoir area. I love my new house. In the past week, I have preasure washed the house, painted the: bathroom, bedrooms, living room, front door, cut the grass and hedges, put out pine straw, and scrubbed the tile. I have been a busy bee and it has been good. Hard work is always a good thing.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Be strong!
This song really spoke to me today. Confusion and fear can get such a tight grasp on us. And we must be strong. No matter the problem-we can find peace.
Three in the morning,
And I'm still awake,
So I picked up a pen and a page,
And I started writing,
Just what I'd say,
If we were face to face,
I'd tell you just what you mean to me,
I'd tell you these simple truths,
Be strong in the LORD and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
Last time we spoke,
You said you were hurting,
And I felt your pain in my heart,
I want to tell you,
That I keep on praying,
Love will find you where you are,
I know cause I've already been there,
So please hear these simple truths,
Be strong in the LORD and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,
From one simple life to another,
I will say,
Come find peace in the Father,
Be strong in the LORD and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why your here,
Take your time and pray,
Thank God for each day,
His love will find a way,
These are the words I would say
Monday, September 21, 2009
Once upon a time...
Life happened and now I miss that cricket. Gone are the days when the cricket kept me from sleeping. Hopefully soon, I will reunite with Mr. Cricket and have only him to worry me.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Just enough light...
Timing is everything. Ever said this? Sure you have. Ever changed that to read, His timing is everything? That moment. The moment when you are content that no matter what is going on and where you are in your life-you know that God will not leave you there forever. He is walking right beside you.
With age comes a few physical alterations. Need an example? I cannot hear. At all. I lost my sense of walking in the dark. Once, my eyes adjusted and I could 'see' in the dark. Nope. Gone. This is the same in life. God gives me just enough light that I need at the time. I try to embrace it and trust that the amount of light is enough.
Much of what God wants to work in us will come about as we grow in our relationships with the people God puts in our lives. Walk step by step with God through each crisis. You will see Him do a miraculous work of transforming, restoring, and healing. God is good.
Miller is getting close to 5 months. What a handful. Never tired. He and Moses have been hanging out a lot. What a pair-those two. I fell off the blog-osphere. Hopefully, back on!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Perhaps much of life is hidden and you have to dig to find that pot of gold. Perhaps it is right in front of your face. Is it a matter of taking off your shades or grabbing your shovel and getting to work. Either way- the game of hide and go seek will always be with us. As time goes by the name of the game changes to: life.
Work will always be work. It will always be there. Stress happens. It will always be there. God is good. He will always be there. Much changes. Much remains the same. Is the grass always greener on the other side? Or- Is the grass always greener where you water it?
As I learn more about myself, I am challenged to remain faithful in the fact that during dark times and confusing times- I am taken care of. I've been forgiven and I am loved.
Turn your sprinklers on. Water your job, heart, relationships and faith. It will grow. It will change. It will be fabulous. Find your happiness. Faith.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Me time
I got home around 6:45. Opened the back door to let Moses in. Remember the rain? It turns holes made of dirt into mud. He was covered. So out in the rain I go with the water hose. Unbelievable. I couldn't help but to laugh. Typical. I expect these things to occur. He is clean now. At least no mud.
After that fun event- I had me time. I still am. A nice, hot bath. A good book. A coffee. And I'm doing a little writing. Those of you who follow and know- I'm very happy to say, I finished writing my first book. Children's books, for the ones that do not know. Pretty cool. Between the father I was blessed with and the imagination I have- I was bound to write a 'pretend' story for little ones to read. I'll let you know as the process continues. Exciting.
I am richly blessed. We all are if we choice to think positively. I haven't really been myself lately. Due to stress and life- I just thought I'd have a sorry attitude and it was okay. I could do that. No. Not the case. I had to step back and realize all I have and see all the good things in my life. Maybe we all have to do that at some point. What makes us smile? What makes your heart skip a beat? Have patience. Its hard. But enjoy! Take your 'me time'.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Why can't MS have CO weather?

I got back from Denver today. Wednesday through Sunday morning was not enough time! Peter Lawrence is adorable. I'm not just saying that. I promise. He is. Although he makes ugly/weird/odd faces and he sure is loud when he chooses- but what a precious little one he is. Les got to sleep in Friday and rest- leaving me with Pete. I was thrilled! What a blessing a baby is. What a miracle. Just look at that face!
His ManMan LOVES him so much!!!!
In a previous blog I mentioned dad sent the baby a ball when we found out it was a boy. Here it is. How amazing is this? I cried when I saw it. If you cannot read it, it says: I loved you even before you were born. Coach! And I know Coach sure did! Coach is one happy man!
I also came home to a much bigger puppy. Miller is not so small anymore. He grew! Still a cutie though. And still bad as ever. Puppies are tough. But so are babies- I'd rather have the puppy right now!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
One more year
I can honestly say that the age of twenty-six was one crazy year I will never forget. Not all decisions were the best. Not all moments were good. But it made me better. I'll never forget twenty-six. That is a promise. But oh how beautiful, I'm blessed with another year. Another year to make a different and be better. Another year to gather more wrinkles in my brain.
The new puppy is-well he is a puppy. 110% puppy. His name is Miller. He is named after Donald Miller who is a cool author. Check him out. His reads are amazing. Most should enjoy them.
I leave this week heading to Denver to see that little nephew. I know I will have many pictures and stories to share. I am a very proud aunt that cannot wait to hold that sweet baby.
Happy late 4th of July. Smile. Find your happiness. Be sweet. Be careful. Enjoy your life. Pray for those around you. Have faith built on solid ground. And be as normal as you can be! Happy July!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
No name
Life is good. Really good. For many reason. I leave in a few weeks to visit Leslie, Ryan and Peter Lawrence. That will be a fun trip. The job is going okay. I've been given patience and understanding. That is a great thing. I've even been able to bite my tongue. Amazing.
I got a new pup yesterday. He has no name. I need to figure something out! I miss Tucker but I know he would love this little puppy I have now. Tucker was a yellow lab. Before Tucker I had Tuff and he was a chocolate lab. They were two beautiful labs. Now the new one is black. We'll see how it works out. I hope good. He is a biter though. Uh oh!

The picture above is Moses with the new little one. They are so funny together. I'll be sad when Moses goes back to Georgia. He's a wonderful dog! If you can think of a good name for this little black boy I now have, let me know!
Heat index of 108 today. That is ridiculous. I am not a fan of summer. I sweat too much to ever look presentable. If you know me, you know this is true. However, one of my favorite holidays is coming up- JULY 4th! I've always been a fan of this holiday. I'm also a fan of July the First Day.
Stay cool this summer. If you are in MS, move. That is your only hope! Do something nice for a stranger. Smile until your face hurts. Laugh until you cry. And love til the end.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. He just had to share the dream with someone else. After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his son Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built.
Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles could be overcome. With great excitement and inspiration, and the headiness of a wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.
The project started well, but when it was only a few months underway a tragic accident on the site took the life of John Roebling. Washington was injured and left with a certain amount of brain damage, which resulted in him not being able to walk or talk or even move.
"We told them so."
"Crazy men and their crazy dreams."
"It`s foolish to chase wild visions."
Everyone had a negative comment to make and felt that the project should be scrapped since the Roeblings were the only ones who knew how the bridge could be built. In spite of his handicap Washington was never discouraged and still had a burning desire to complete the bridge and his mind was still as sharp as ever.
He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. As he lay on his bed in his hospital room, with the sunlight streaming through the windows, a gentle breeze blew the flimsy white curtains apart and he was able to see the sky and the tops of the trees outside for just a moment.
It seemed that there was a message for him not to give up. Suddenly an idea hit him. All he could do was move one finger and he decided to make the best use of it. By moving this, he slowly developed a code of communication with his wife.
He touched his wife's arm with that finger, indicating to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. It seemed foolish but the project was under way again.
For 13 years Washington tapped out his instructions with his finger on his wife's arm, until the bridge was finally completed. Today the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge stands in all its glory as a tribute to the triumph of one man's indomitable spirit and his determination not to be defeated by circumstances. It is also a tribute to the engineers and their team work, and to their faith in a man who was considered mad by half the world. It stands too as a tangible monument to the love and devotion of his wife who for 13 long years patiently decoded the messages of her husband and told the engineers what to do.
Amazingly, this story is true. Give time time. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. Your attitude determines the end result. A lesson I teach myself daily.
Build your bridge.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Rock
Leslie and Ryan are very proud parents. I can't wait to see him and hold him. Enjoy the pics of my nephew Pete!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Dry it up
Daddy's girl. But dad is a football coach surrounded by women. We knew how to wrap ourselves around his finger. He too, knew us well. He loves mom, as he should. Jaime is his heart. He and Les have a unique relationship. He and I...well I am the baby that is much different from her sisters. Personality, that is.
What makes you become tough? More than likely it will be an occurance in your life. Some are born tough, while others never experience the word. When you do something wrong, how do you react? When wrong is done to you, how do you react? Reacts (actions), as 'they' say, speak louder than words. Very true. I respond well to affirmation. Both words and actions. However, words seem to be fake at times. Actions show.
How do you bounce back from a broken marriage? The death of a dog? Fighting off a disease? A bad relationship? A terrible situation at work? Mean people?
Life is hard. Surround yourself with useful people. There is nothing worse than having someone in your life that makes you feel bad, unworthy, unloved or not special. Get rid of them. Easier said than done. I know. But maybe neccessary? It is okay to have tough skin every once in awhile. You'll find that you can get cut but it heals with time. You ask about scars? Yes, they will be there. I like to call scars 'personality'. Cry when you need. It's okay too. We all handle things differently. That is the beauty of life.
Build people up. Make the ones in your life feel special. Don't hurt the ones you love and care about. The older I get, the more I realize how precious the people that invest in my life truly are. I've had to dry it up lately. Things haven't turned out the way I would have liked. People have let me down. And other situations. So I smile. And keep on going.
A little update. My parents house in Hattiesburg sold yesterday. They are so releaved. I am thrilled that my house will go back to normal! I am not being rude, just honest. My house is lonely without Tucker. He was such a great blessing and I miss him very much. If anyone wants me to have their dog, I'd love that!
Sunday, May 10, 2009

This picture of Tuck was taken a week ago. We were out on the back porch. He loved his yard.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
The nice guy.
My Saturday morning started early. 7am. My Aunt Angie spent the night with me last night. We had dinner and a great time together. She and I had our coffee and morning discussions about different things. Family. Life. Things to pray for. Etc. She left at 8am.
It is now 9:30. You would think in one hour and 30 minutes, things would be calm and okay. Not the case. The events I am about to tell you are why I love life. And love my life. Life is a wild ride. I'm just happy to have a seat.
I start cutting the yard when she leaves. I started with the front yard, in fear that the rain would start if I did the back yard first. People see the front. Make it look nice. I get it cut. I'm happy. I start on the side. Mower dies. It will not mow. Problem. I call my dad. He says pour the gas out and put new gas in it. I did. Nothing.
I can not mow. I look around the red machine. It seems complicated. I burn my hand. Not bad. The conclusion: I can not cut my grass today. That is okay. I have plenty of other things to do. I pick weeds. This is NO fun. I take the garbage out.
As the trash guys pull up, I go to the back yard to get a chair that broke. I open the gate. Guess who saw the open door. Tucker. This part is crazy but true. 3 garbage dudes stop what they are doing and chase him. The neighbor across the street (old man) runs after Tucker too. 3 kids chase him, along with me. 4 minutes later, we get him. The men go back to their truck and do their job. I spend 3 minutes saying I'm sorry. I spend 2 minutes thanking the neighborhood. The next 5 minutes are spent yelling at Tucker.
So there are good people out there. The people that help you chase your dog. The people that offer their mower. The nice guys.
May we all be nice guys or gals. It is important and it means so much in the long run.
May we all find enough happiness to be sweet.
Wild times at my house. I expect nothing less. Maybe I should go back to my ways...when I had a yard man. Yard stuff was easier! Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Master Lock
Life. Everyone has a different story. What does your story say about you? My story is crazy but beautiful. Looking back, I see the growth in my life during 'tough' times. I also see the growth during 'amazing' times.
I love people. I love hearing your story. Your adventures. They all amaze me. Sometimes, sitting back and listening can be a great thing. Being open-minded is key.
Doors close. Door open. Jobs. Relationships. Pets. Family. Friends. Housing. They are all subject to change. We've all been there. A time when we think we can't move. We can't go on. Something happened. A change. Then, there comes a silver lining. The sunny part appears. You can jump and run. Maybe you just changed the lock on the door. Beautiful.
Life isn't fair. I learn this everyday. We just have to work with what we have and find the blessings in the storms. We've all had a relationship that ended. We were crushed. Look back. Did you push through it? Obviously so. Things can and will get better. It may not be today. It may not be in 1 month. But it will. Faith.
We must all strive to be and do better. My God is so good. He brings great people in my life to help me do these things. Enjoy the moment. They may be there for a few weeks, years or forever. Love them. Appreciate them. Help them to do good too. They may have your key for the time being. Share. Master Lock makes big locks with a small key. Give God that lock. Follow Him. He'll put that key in the right hands.
So, I've been sick for 4 days. No, I am not better. Not fun. Thankfully, I do not believe it is the swine flu. What a crazy thing. I'm sure you all heard the funny swine flu joke. I laughed! Tucker and I are doing good. Come visit. Enjoy your life! Smile!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Red light-Green light

Enough preaching! Excuse me. April is almost over. Man, that was quick. I'm booked and ready to fly to Denver and see my nephew in July. I am very excited about that. It will be so good to visit with Leslie and Ryan. Sightseeing and exploring the mountains. Many good things will happen on this trip. Not to mention the wittle one I'll get to love on!
Tucker has officially lost his mind. That is all I'm saying about that. He is a wild child. Oh, how I love that yellow knuckle-head though.
Have a great and safe week. Laugh! It does the soul good. Listen! It works. Use your gifts.
Psalm 25: 10 All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Attention Jackson...
I have been told twice in the past week that I should change my opinion on one of previous blogs. That would be the statement saying: If you are 25+ do not live with your parents. I was told this because my dad is living with me. Well, I refuse to change it. It is not healthy. I am not living with my parents. He is living with me. Difference. I am a good daughter. Yes, he is still around during the week. I'm not sure where my parents stand on the housing situation. Please keep them in your prayers. The quicker the better, for all.
Another request came to me after my last post. It was brought to my attention that I did not mention Tucker's favorite trail deer. Let me assure you, I had nothing to do with his talent. I have only seen him do this once. I do know that he has found many deer for people that I work with or friends. So, you go Tucker. Keep up the good work. We're proud!
Lauren, Krista, Tiffany, Nancy, Christy, Krista and I are throwing around different places to go for our girl’s trip. Krista is a cruiser. Lauren is NYC. CJ is L.A. all the way. Nancy and Tiffany have not voiced yet. And me, well I said the Grand Canyon. We'd love to hear your suggestions. We're up for anything. Well maybe not the Canyon because I'm pretty sure everyone turned their noses up to that one. I might get stuck doing that one alone. Whatever may happen, I can promise that by fall these 7 amazing ladies will be somewhere other than the south!
Lately, I've found myself overwhelmed with attitudes that others have. Maybe towards me or just life. Turn that frown upside down! I say, let people be who they are. If you don't like something they do or the way they are, then don't hang with them. It is very important that we build people up. Help others become better. Sometimes doing a little more than we want to can put a smile on someone's face. And that is important.
My eyes have been wide open to see those who truly care about me. The ones that are proud of the work I do and the life I live. You guys know who you are. Thank you for being in my life and investing so much. Great friends and an amazing family are just a few blessings God has given me.
We had dinner club this week. Oh boy. The memories and stories that were told. How we laughed. It was a wonderful time. It is scary at how my memory is not near as good as others. These girls remember things I did years ago that I have completely forgotten about. Amazingly we are still here! Stories. I love them!
Some of us are hoping for the rain to push on through this weekend. We've planned a day at Rocky Springs. It will be divine. I'm not the girl that sits inside. I like to be outside. Take it or leave, it matters none to me. I'll be waiting outside for you! Pictures will follow of our trip to the springs that are rocky.
Happy Friday kiddos! Be safe. Laugh. And enjoy!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Amanda's Big Tucker

Yes, today I celebrate 3 lovely years of having Tucker in my life. The poor fella woke up this morning to me singing 'Happy Birthday'. It was 5:40 and he wasn't sure what was going on. He quickly realized he did nothing wrong or that I had not lost my mind when he was served his birthday breakfast that consisted of 2 hot dogs, 1 pig ear and a large ham bone. He probably has a tummy ache now.
Tucker has been a best friend. Just like a human best friend...we've had our moments of thinking I was done with him because he is so bad but we've also had our moments of laying beside one another relaxing. Tuck has a keen sense of knowing when I am sad or upset. He also can tell when I am ready to play...he takes full advantage of these times.
It all started in Texas. Everything's bigger in Texas. This is a true statement about Tucker. He is a large 119 lbs (losing weight) and full of energy. A couple from Louisiana decided they needed a dog. They made the trip to Texas and brought a yellow lab home with them. They named him Tater. After a month of having Tater the couple decides to split, leaving Tater homeless. A man in Louisiana asked an old friend of mine if he would like the dog. He knew I wanted a dog. He told the man yes.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Come on over!
I love visitors. Come by, if you choose. I will welcome you. So they walk over. Knock. And enter. Upon their entrance, they hand me a paper plate wrapped in foil. My large imagination starts thinking. Yes, they brought me a slice of strawberry cake and a cupcake. Amazing! Two of my favorites. We visit. They leave.
As I'm scoffing down these delicious treats, I stop and smile. How great is our God. How great that people who serve Him, go out of their way for others. How often do you go out of your way for someone? A simple gesture, such as bringing your neighbor a cupcake, could be just what they need. I didn't need it but it is the thought that counts.
The strawberry cake was yummy. Cupcake? Not sure. I stood strong and did not eat it. Now, I can say that I had an Easter yummy treat. I did not go to my parents. I choose to stay at home. I hear I missed out on good fun and food. I'll make up for that somewhere along the line. Church was an amazing time of worship. The thunderstorms held off so the kiddies could hunt for eggs. Did you dye an egg? I did not. Should have.
I have glorious news. Earnest, my chicken, has made the journey back home. I'm not sure where he went for over a week. I am just glad he is back. Earnest made his homecoming announcement in a LOUD way. The silly chicken clucked for an hour. Tucker was not happy. For the first time, he wanted to eat Earnest.
Do something good for someone else. Be nice! Smile! Be happy! I watched a movie this weekend. A writer was told to not use exclamation points because it shows that he laughs at himself. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Periods are boring. Use an exclamation point! (This could be why i am not a writer.)There is nothing wrong with laughing at yourself! Enjoy your life!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This is my favorite picture. It is so sad that I can't rub that sweet belly, but I know her friends out there are taking great care of her. Leslie would die, but many times I have prayed for this baby to be BIG! Big babies just seem like they will not break as easily. Stupid, I know. Jaime, Leslie and I were all big babies. So, obviously being a big baby is not so bad!
Easter is here. What an amazing thing that happened so many years ago. I cannot fathom the magnitude of the events that occurred but I graciously accept His love and selflessness. With a heart full of thanksgiving, reflect this weekend on life. What a gift. On a lighter note, I hope Easter B. will bring you much unwanted but secretly wanted candy!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Best dressed...

I had the pleasure of being out of the office last week. I was turkey hunting. I met some pretty cool dudes and caught a big fish. The tragedy of the story? No turkey. Between people telling me to be still or be quiet…I am now left with 3 strands of hair on my head. People getting angry at me because I had to scratch my face or I dropped a cushion are things I cannot handle. Since Kindergarten, I have been a firm believer that the person yelling “Be still” or “SSSSHHHHHH” is MUCH louder than the individual ‘causing the ruckus’. Chill. Life is still good.
I enjoy being outdoors. I gain much needed peace and serenity. While sitting uncomfortably against a tree last week, I had time to think. It was a beautiful thing. Oh, if only we could all take time to just sit outside and think. Great ideas are birthed. My creativity is not at the highest level of potential in a cube. Whose is? Get outside. Think. Like milk, it does the body good.
I did go down the Natchez Trace 4 times this weekend. Windows down. Music loud. Good company. It was fabulous! Also, Tucker is home now. Welcome home! He was greatly missed. You can find Mr. Hyper in the backyard because my new roommate does not want Tucker in MY house. My patience is being tested and I am proud to say that I am doing well with the changes that occur during the week at my house. I humbly accept the fact that my way is not always going to happen. This is OK.
Nothing much else going on. Fine with me. April 6th and we have a freeze warning tonight. Crazy. Bundle up. Bring the dogs in. Build one last fire. I'm pulling for North Carolina tonight. In reality, I could careless. Happy Monday!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Manda's Mower
I enjoyed my hard work today. My end result made me smile. I pat myself on the back. Now it is still early and I am about to get in the bed. A yard can wear you out!
My new roommate arrived today. My dad. He snores but he is like a best friend. I'm glad he is here. Spring is here plus dad is here, this means 1 after work! So this is exciting. I enjoy fishing. He will only be here on and off until they sell the house in Hattie and buy one here. I pray it all works out smoothly.
Last full week of March. Craziness. Enjoy spring!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kiss me. I'm Irish.
Jaime has been in The Hills with dads family for over 2 weeks. Mom and dad went up to get her yesterday. I had to post this picture because it is priceless. The small things that make us smile are the things in life that really matter.

Green Eggs and Ham!
Some employees want to walk in and use their thumb to squash all creativity and productivity out of you? Yes, they probably do this. They probably try at 47 different angels to come at you. Do they accomplish? Well they do if you allow them to. There are times when people will run over and this is understandable. Thankfully, there are times when you stand strong for yourself.
In passing, I might have mentioned this work situation to some. Only a few had deep details. After complaining to these few people I am close to about my situation at work, I realized my situation wasn’t getting any better. Until, I talked to my dad. He was quick to remind me that I must always keep my head straight. I must always have a smile on my face. This doesn’t mean I like them AND no matter how much I want to roll my eyes at them, DON’T. (I tend to roll my eyes a great deal of the time. I hate it when I do this and I do not realize it.) A flaw. I am aware. Pops also reminded me that my work is great and I show great passion towards it. The truth will come out. And that is a fact. It will.
It is so good to have encouraging people in your life. I find such comfort in the great people I have in my life that genuinely care for me and invest in my life. It is so easy for some to say ‘find a new job’ or ‘don’t worry about her’. So I really appreciate those whose words went deeper than the surface. Thank you.
My work may not have my name on it. It has someone else’s name tattooed on it. But this will work out. As I continue to smile and be happy because I DO HAVE A JOB…please remember me during this trying time at work. It isn’t perfect. But it shall get better!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear is a fun day! Green is a great color! I love the story of St. Patrick. If you have not heard it, google it. Pinch the grumpy/boring people who do not have on green. Peeeench!!
Happy 35th Anniversary to Mom and Dad, today!!! Coral or Jade is the traditional gift for this anniversary. I'm pretty confident that my father will be non-traditional (again), seeing that he hasn't followed a single tradition in his life. Mom, I always wondered if you wore green on your wedding day? I know I would have. Such a great day! Enjoy the day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Jibba Jabba
I think that if you have something to say to someone that may hurt them, find a respectful way to say it. If it is on a topic that is none of your business, keep your mouth shut.
I think that riding in the middle of the seat in a truck is so awful. You can sit in the passenger side and be just as in love.
I think that if you truly love someone (friend, family, etc) then you should do things that make them happy. Relationships aren’t always about one person.
I think that if you want to get to know someone completely, you have to invest time. Enough said.
I think that all lazy people should work in the hands-on-labor industry. Try and be useful.
I think if you are 25+, you should not live with your parents. They are created to raise you. You are created to visit them.
I think all work places should offer a time to work out and offer an environment that allows individuality in productivity. Majority of rules are boring and stressful.
I think everyone should spend at least 1 hour a day, during the week, outside.
I think God created laughter as the universal connection between all mankind.
I think everyone knows when it is time to move on. It is just a matter of taking that first step.
I think that if you can’t talk to the head of your company…your company lacks many key essentials to be productive and produce.
I think break-ups are good and bad. Try and focus on how it was good and why it was bad…then smile. It happened. It is done. There was a reason.
I think there is no reason for people to not graduate from high school and college, currently and within the past 10 years. Get an education.
I think flowers are great. There is nothing like a grouping of flowers to brighten your house, office or your day. Yes, I buy myself flowers because they are so wonderful.
I think those of you that do not wash your hands after going to the restroom are SICK.
I think you should always make time for others.
I think regrets are silly. We all have things we wish we could take back but living in the past is ridiculous and so is letting the past consume you.
I think a clean house is important. So is allergy medicine.
I think mentors and role models are important for the human spirit.
I think traditions are both good and bad. Too many traditions leave no room for fun random adventures. I only have one tradition. I like it this way.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I can't see
My place of employment is really coming down of us to be on time. That means 8:00 am NOT 8:01. This is hard for some. Yes, I may be a part of that 'some' on days. Sorry. Get over it. With each passing minute, this morning, I moved another 9 inches. Luckily, I left home earlier than usual. I would not be late.
Sitting on 55 not moving, I began to think how parallel this is to life. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. I knew something was ahead but I wasn't sure what. Like life, we can not see what is in store for us. We are very careful, for fear of getting hurt or getting in a 'wreck'. As I am sitting and waiting for the traffic to move, I heard the words coming from the speakers in my car 'You know better than I'. Joy Williams beautifully sings this song.
How true this is. How amazing the way my morning played out. He truly does know better than I. He knows all. Who am I to question His ways or to try and get a tight grasp of understanding His ways? I will continue to face hard and confusing times but nothing will ever be greater than Him. I am so richly blessed that by faith I believe and know that God knows what is ahead. The traffic will clear. The fog will clear. He will still remain. Promise.
SO...I am very supportive and faithful to those I love. I love the ones I love and I will be their biggest fan. I mentioned in my last blog that my family will be moving back to Jackson. Check out . Yes, I am the baby girl and I'm always proud!
Also, I am thinking about taking the FRS Healthy Energy Challenge. I'll let you know. I have also challenged myself to be different everyday. If this means going out of my way for someone, not getting easily irritated or not letting soar attitudes affect me...then so be it. Challenge yourself to do something. I'm going to the zoo for lunch next week. I will post pics. It shall be splendid.
Get outside. Spring is almost officially here. Buy yellow tulips to decorate your house! are great. Pollen is not.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snowy Sunday

Monday, February 23, 2009
Checking out, my cashier said these exact words: "I hate Wal-Mart. I just work here." As I look at her and mind immediately races. If you hate where you work and do not believe in it, then why are you wearing the blue vest with the yellow smiley face? Is she the only individual fighting that battle today? No. Hardly. If we could all choose what we were, where we worked and how many hours we put in a week...would it be the same as your current job? I seriously doubt it.
All this talk about the economy will NOT happen on this blog. At least not today. Well, never. Times are tough. We all see or know that. That clear, my point is...your job will never be fabulous everyday you walk in. Mine surely isn't. But I feel at this moment I am where God has called me to be, and that is glorious. The 8-10 hours you put in a it a job or career? Do you need to pick up your things and get moving?
I am figuring out my strength's and weaknesses. What I truly want to do. What I would like to do with the rest of my life. No, I can't say hosting Mississippi Outdoors is my life long goal. It is fun for the moment but there is so much more God has in store for me. So, for now, my focus is doing the best I can where I am now. I look into other opportunities but the 'right' one hasn't come up yet. Yes, I will continue to pick up the slack because people are lazy. Why? Because I care. I care about the place that deposits money into my account.
I do love the days when I am not in the office. The days I get to spend outside. I am not the office type, nor will I ever be. I have a pretty cool job, for the most part. A Mississippi boy would love it. The people aren't always easy to deal with. But that is everywhere. However, I am excited about where I will be lead to next. Whenever that may be.
If you are like the cashier at Wal-Mart, pick your head up. Move your feet. Find yourself and your little piece of happiness. Unfortunately, we can't always bypass the "cashier" days at work. They just happen.
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mom got to visit Leslie and Ryan a few weeks ago. I was jealous. Leslie is starting to get a little baby bump. I've heard of some women that glow during pregnancy. She is one. She looks great and so happy. This makes me very happy. This is Leslie with a little baby bump.
Leslie and Ryan opening the football dad sent them. This was a special football. It was also very special because our favorite football coach had all girls. He is now receiving the blessing of a grandson. The Saints have lost their minds getting rid of Dulymus. All good things must come to end. So they say. Whoever they are? Who to cheer for now? Maybe he'll come to Jackson and run for Mayor. I'd move in the city limits just to vote for him.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Early Bird
My family is great. I love them with all I have. They help me out all the time. I am very grateful. One day, I hope to do for them, as they have done for me, in return. We are a close knit family. Another blessing. When the day is done, I can say, no matter family loves me and will always be here for me. This is comforting news.
We are all very different. Thus, making it an interesting adventure. 3 girls, a nurse and football coach. That is us. We expanded, by adding Ryan (Les's hubby) and her little boy that will be us in June. I love the thought of a nephew. I love him so much already.
Jaime is the oldest. She is the sweet, kind spirited and nurturing one. She lives in Hattiesburg. Then there is Leslie. Leslie always excelled in school. Her work and studies are important to her. She has a great head on her shoulders. She lives in Denver. My mother is awesome. She is a prayer warrior. Need prayer? Tell her. My dad has the humor when needed and the scary, stern look when needed. Although he is a football coach, he can be tenderhearted and loving.
God is the basis of our family. Growing up I remember praying as a family. This is very important and I believe is the cause of our closeness. Though our time here together hasn't always been easy, we made it through together. Be thankful for your family. I am!!!
Who is my follower Albo?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Vanilla with strawberries
Trying something new. Going out on a limb. Walking blindly. These are scary things. But what if we choose to look at these things in a different light? Find happiness in these moments. Would our feelings/thoughts about these things be different? I believe so.
I am scared about different things in my life right now. Whatever the outcome of these things might be, my feelings of being anxious and scared did not assist in the final verdict. As humans it is normal for us to be scared about things. Like ice cream, this is OK (in moderation). If we could find happiness in the scary moments...wouldn't life be a little better? May we all enjoy every moment of our lives.
I got back in town tonight. Jacksonians can NOT drive. True statement. I drove 349 miles today and the worst drivers I experienced are in Jackson. Good thing I have learned to drive the same. This weekend I realized I can not bowl. I knew this fact already. Just did a little confirmation. The shoes are still cool. A good movie to check out is, Taken. I enjoyed.
Hope your weekend was good.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
After falling flat on my face today on the concrete staircase at work, I have concluded that I need a slow down. I can't say if it was the initial "I am watching myself fall and there is nothing I can do but hit the concrete" or the devastating impact of my knee on the concrete or the legendary 'Amanda falls and always jumps right back up'. One of the events assisted in my realization that: bad things just happen.
I have never understood those that do not fall. Do not have hot water heater problems. Do not drop a bowl and it breaks into 1,000 pieces. These people have it going on. I have it going on, with a little added twist. My life keeps me on my toes at all times. I am completely understanding of this.
So, if you have had a week of pure torture...please know: It could be worse. It really could. I am having to engrave this into my head right now. Yes, my knee hurts. It is not a pretty sight. I will live though. That is the beauty of my fall. Through all the 'bad', good will always remain.
I hope you all have a great weekend. Seems like the weather will be pretty for majority of the states. Happy Hallmark Day! Be sweet to those you love.
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant. Psalm 25:10
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Boys II Men

Along came Tiffany. We had majority of classes together. We hit it off. There were others but this is where our journey began. She has seen it all. Report cards. Boys. Accidents. Good and bad decisions. Family events. Etc. Little did I know, 18 years later...we're still living our journey.
I do not remember my first meeting with Christy. I wish I did. I'm sure it was one of laughs and weirdness. We helped the special kids during lunch for a year or so. We enjoyed this. Journey continues.
Lauren(1 of 4), Christy, Tiffany and I...Best Friends since 3rd grade!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Where is January?
I hope all 5 of my readers had a splendid January. It flew by. January was a busy month for majority of people. I have a lot on mind lately but nothing I care to go in detail about. I figure, it is just the normal life situations. Things have been fine in '09 for me. Yes, some not so good things too. Overall, all is well.
That person. The one that thinks they know you so well, but they haven't a clue. An hour later, we finally hung up. An old friend. Always pleasant to talk to but the reality of our situation: we must talk more if we truly want to know each other like we used to. People change. Views change. Opinions change. That is life.
I have walls. Don't we all? Maybe to some point? I do know some who are an open book. If this works for them, then okay. That isn't me. I am not too tough to understand but not easily understood either. I have seen my life change, just in the past year. Exciting. Yes, I am still hardheaded. I am a Mills. No, I am not a picky eater anymore. Not a good thing.
What does it take to truly know someone? Energy. Time. 1,000 emotions. Patience. These are just a few examples. I enjoy getting to know people better. Drama stories? Not so much. Keep those to yourself. Getting to know someone is not always easy. But it could be worth it.
Happy February! Make sure you laugh 28 days this month. It is a good thing. And open up to the people that are special to you. It is grand both for all involved.
Pretty day in Jackson. Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
1 minute ago: I was watching America's Funniest Video's and DYING with laughter. Those that know me understand my obsession. Dangerous!
1 hour ago: I was giving Tucker a bath and cooking dinner. Bath...terrible times. Dinner...yummy!
1 day ago: I was driving home from Georgia. I got to see Steve Nash and Shaq take on the ATL Hawks. It was a fabulous time.
1 week ago: I murdered a duck and wanted to cry. But the Shoney's breakfast buffet made it all better!
1 month ago: I was in Columbus at the farm celebrating Christmas on my mother's side. Jaime went hunting and I received the worst number EVER for Dirty Santa.
1 year ago: I was officially 3 months over my 1 year mark with MDWFP. Tucker got really sick and I had to rush him to the Doggy ER. I lived with my bestie Krista at 311.
3 years ago: I had a sales job. My family moved to Hattiesburg. I had jet black hair for a month. I lived alone in shack off the tracks.
5 years ago: I was praying I could get all those credits taken care of so I could graduate college in 4 years. By the grace of God, I did! Walking almost cost me my graduation. Seriously.
7 years ago: I was a camp counselor at Camp Garawya. I met one of my closest friends Nancy. I was in my first year of college. I changed from MSU to MC. I had my first wreck (wasn't my fault).
10 years ago: I was a Sophomore at CHS. I had Attache' practice 16 hours every day. I worked out 4 hours a day. I had basketball, track and volleyball practice 6 hours a day. The days were much longer 10 years ago. The motivation was stronger too!
15 years ago: I was eleven, in junior high, and a foot and a half taller than all the boys. I lived in the city but turned it into a farm. I still cherish animals, dearly.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hook and Ladder
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have FUN!

I was very excited to have a weekend with these two. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends to laugh, cry, scream and shout with. Thanks girls, for an unforgetable weekend. The coast will never be the same!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Back row
Complaining. Drama. Blahness. Monotone. Withdrawn. Sour. Stressed.
I do not like any of the above. If I talked to my friend everyday and she was these things during every conversation; I would eventually stop talking to her. The things listed above never allow you to open up your heart and speak.
I have been so richly blessed. No, I am not a millionaire. I am the furthest person to holding that title but I do have riches. I have my faith, health (working on making this better), a few true friends that are my rock and an amazing family. Who could ask for more?
I work with a lady who is all of the above. I have come to the conclusion that she buys the milk carton that is on the front row (the one that will expire soon) just so she can complain. She is never happy. I smile, she nods her head. I cheerfully tell her good morning, she looks at me like I am the worst human alive (I may be to her). I feel sorry for her. I would like to tell her to get the milk in the back because it will stay fresh longer. Stop buying the milk that will soon sour.
I can not change this lady. She will always be this way. Luckily, her office is far from mine. Some people just like to be blah and complain. Be happy. It is okay to be sad and upset every once in a while but not everyday. Surely you can smile about something.
My father always says you can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. Which do you choose? Circumstances make you choose the sad but if we stop and reflect, we can see the happy side of life. If you are having a blah day...snap out of it. Always buy the milk in the back. It will last at least 5 days longer than the cartons in the front.
Always smile. Relax and enjoy your life you were given. I try my hardest to do these every single day. Not always accomplished but there was effort.
I wish front row milk buyers could read this. Maybe they would reach further on the shelf. Have a good day!