My blogs are random. This came to me just a minute ago as I was walking down the hallway. It is short and sweet. To the point.
Complaining. Drama. Blahness. Monotone. Withdrawn. Sour. Stressed.
I do not like any of the above. If I talked to my friend everyday and she was these things during every conversation; I would eventually stop talking to her. The things listed above never allow you to open up your heart and speak.
I have been so richly blessed. No, I am not a millionaire. I am the furthest person to holding that title but I do have riches. I have my faith, health (working on making this better), a few true friends that are my rock and an amazing family. Who could ask for more?
I work with a lady who is all of the above. I have come to the conclusion that she buys the milk carton that is on the front row (the one that will expire soon) just so she can complain. She is never happy. I smile, she nods her head. I cheerfully tell her good morning, she looks at me like I am the worst human alive (I may be to her). I feel sorry for her. I would like to tell her to get the milk in the back because it will stay fresh longer. Stop buying the milk that will soon sour.
I can not change this lady. She will always be this way. Luckily, her office is far from mine. Some people just like to be blah and complain. Be happy. It is okay to be sad and upset every once in a while but not everyday. Surely you can smile about something.
My father always says you can choose to be happy or you can choose to be sad. Which do you choose? Circumstances make you choose the sad but if we stop and reflect, we can see the happy side of life. If you are having a blah day...snap out of it. Always buy the milk in the back. It will last at least 5 days longer than the cartons in the front.
Always smile. Relax and enjoy your life you were given. I try my hardest to do these every single day. Not always accomplished but there was effort.
I wish front row milk buyers could read this. Maybe they would reach further on the shelf. Have a good day!
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