Do bad things happen in 3's? My dad and I always jokingly say it does. We then add in that this concept is for most people. However, for the two of is 7's! There are those that are born 'snake bit'. I am one of these. I get it honest. Superstitious? Honestly, I will admit, I am a little. One has to be when faced with all the 'drama' that unfolds throughout my day. This drama is opposite of the girl that blah blah blah's about things...this drama is truly bad things. Real drama, if there is such?
After falling flat on my face today on the concrete staircase at work, I have concluded that I need a slow down. I can't say if it was the initial "I am watching myself fall and there is nothing I can do but hit the concrete" or the devastating impact of my knee on the concrete or the legendary 'Amanda falls and always jumps right back up'. One of the events assisted in my realization that: bad things just happen.
I have never understood those that do not fall. Do not have hot water heater problems. Do not drop a bowl and it breaks into 1,000 pieces. These people have it going on. I have it going on, with a little added twist. My life keeps me on my toes at all times. I am completely understanding of this.
So, if you have had a week of pure torture...please know: It could be worse. It really could. I am having to engrave this into my head right now. Yes, my knee hurts. It is not a pretty sight. I will live though. That is the beauty of my fall. Through all the 'bad', good will always remain.
I hope you all have a great weekend. Seems like the weather will be pretty for majority of the states. Happy Hallmark Day! Be sweet to those you love.
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant. Psalm 25:10
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