Clinton High School 2001. Year of graduation. Prior to this event, there were 4 crazy girls I started a journey with. The journey continues today. The roads are different but the crazy is still there. Beautiful crazy. Lovely.
I had dinner last night with 2 of the 4. Thus, leading to this blog. It all started in 3rd grade. Boys II Men was starting to get hot.

I was very tall and extremely thin. Pole, good description. Long blonde hair. Bangs. Messed up teethies. And always playing outside. Average 3rd grader for the most part. I moved in the middle of my 3rd grade school year to Clinton from Magee. This was exciting but scary. Big school. Alone. But I made it.
Along came Tiffany. We had majority of classes together. We hit it off. There were others but this is where our journey began. She has seen it all. Report cards. Boys. Accidents. Good and bad decisions. Family events. Etc. Little did I know, 18 years later...we're still living our journey.
I do not remember my first meeting with Christy. I wish I did. I'm sure it was one of laughs and weirdness. We helped the special kids during lunch for a year or so. We enjoyed this. Journey continues.
I can not describe the amount of laughter when we are together. There is always (and always will be) something extremely silly going on. None stop action. Many memories. Not all good but we still love to discuss. Tiffany and I came very close to answering the question, "How do we save America's economy?"
Has much changed? You bet. Tee is now married. We love her hubby. CJ is an Occupational Therapist. She is very good at her job. The one thing that has not changed is our connection. You either have it or you don't. We do. How rare. What a blessing we have remained so close.
Lauren(1 of 4), Christy, Tiffany and I...Best Friends since 3rd grade!
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