Monday, February 23, 2009
Checking out, my cashier said these exact words: "I hate Wal-Mart. I just work here." As I look at her and mind immediately races. If you hate where you work and do not believe in it, then why are you wearing the blue vest with the yellow smiley face? Is she the only individual fighting that battle today? No. Hardly. If we could all choose what we were, where we worked and how many hours we put in a week...would it be the same as your current job? I seriously doubt it.
All this talk about the economy will NOT happen on this blog. At least not today. Well, never. Times are tough. We all see or know that. That clear, my point is...your job will never be fabulous everyday you walk in. Mine surely isn't. But I feel at this moment I am where God has called me to be, and that is glorious. The 8-10 hours you put in a it a job or career? Do you need to pick up your things and get moving?
I am figuring out my strength's and weaknesses. What I truly want to do. What I would like to do with the rest of my life. No, I can't say hosting Mississippi Outdoors is my life long goal. It is fun for the moment but there is so much more God has in store for me. So, for now, my focus is doing the best I can where I am now. I look into other opportunities but the 'right' one hasn't come up yet. Yes, I will continue to pick up the slack because people are lazy. Why? Because I care. I care about the place that deposits money into my account.
I do love the days when I am not in the office. The days I get to spend outside. I am not the office type, nor will I ever be. I have a pretty cool job, for the most part. A Mississippi boy would love it. The people aren't always easy to deal with. But that is everywhere. However, I am excited about where I will be lead to next. Whenever that may be.
If you are like the cashier at Wal-Mart, pick your head up. Move your feet. Find yourself and your little piece of happiness. Unfortunately, we can't always bypass the "cashier" days at work. They just happen.
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Mom got to visit Leslie and Ryan a few weeks ago. I was jealous. Leslie is starting to get a little baby bump. I've heard of some women that glow during pregnancy. She is one. She looks great and so happy. This makes me very happy. This is Leslie with a little baby bump.
Leslie and Ryan opening the football dad sent them. This was a special football. It was also very special because our favorite football coach had all girls. He is now receiving the blessing of a grandson. The Saints have lost their minds getting rid of Dulymus. All good things must come to end. So they say. Whoever they are? Who to cheer for now? Maybe he'll come to Jackson and run for Mayor. I'd move in the city limits just to vote for him.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Early Bird
My family is great. I love them with all I have. They help me out all the time. I am very grateful. One day, I hope to do for them, as they have done for me, in return. We are a close knit family. Another blessing. When the day is done, I can say, no matter family loves me and will always be here for me. This is comforting news.
We are all very different. Thus, making it an interesting adventure. 3 girls, a nurse and football coach. That is us. We expanded, by adding Ryan (Les's hubby) and her little boy that will be us in June. I love the thought of a nephew. I love him so much already.
Jaime is the oldest. She is the sweet, kind spirited and nurturing one. She lives in Hattiesburg. Then there is Leslie. Leslie always excelled in school. Her work and studies are important to her. She has a great head on her shoulders. She lives in Denver. My mother is awesome. She is a prayer warrior. Need prayer? Tell her. My dad has the humor when needed and the scary, stern look when needed. Although he is a football coach, he can be tenderhearted and loving.
God is the basis of our family. Growing up I remember praying as a family. This is very important and I believe is the cause of our closeness. Though our time here together hasn't always been easy, we made it through together. Be thankful for your family. I am!!!
Who is my follower Albo?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Vanilla with strawberries
Trying something new. Going out on a limb. Walking blindly. These are scary things. But what if we choose to look at these things in a different light? Find happiness in these moments. Would our feelings/thoughts about these things be different? I believe so.
I am scared about different things in my life right now. Whatever the outcome of these things might be, my feelings of being anxious and scared did not assist in the final verdict. As humans it is normal for us to be scared about things. Like ice cream, this is OK (in moderation). If we could find happiness in the scary moments...wouldn't life be a little better? May we all enjoy every moment of our lives.
I got back in town tonight. Jacksonians can NOT drive. True statement. I drove 349 miles today and the worst drivers I experienced are in Jackson. Good thing I have learned to drive the same. This weekend I realized I can not bowl. I knew this fact already. Just did a little confirmation. The shoes are still cool. A good movie to check out is, Taken. I enjoyed.
Hope your weekend was good.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
After falling flat on my face today on the concrete staircase at work, I have concluded that I need a slow down. I can't say if it was the initial "I am watching myself fall and there is nothing I can do but hit the concrete" or the devastating impact of my knee on the concrete or the legendary 'Amanda falls and always jumps right back up'. One of the events assisted in my realization that: bad things just happen.
I have never understood those that do not fall. Do not have hot water heater problems. Do not drop a bowl and it breaks into 1,000 pieces. These people have it going on. I have it going on, with a little added twist. My life keeps me on my toes at all times. I am completely understanding of this.
So, if you have had a week of pure torture...please know: It could be worse. It really could. I am having to engrave this into my head right now. Yes, my knee hurts. It is not a pretty sight. I will live though. That is the beauty of my fall. Through all the 'bad', good will always remain.
I hope you all have a great weekend. Seems like the weather will be pretty for majority of the states. Happy Hallmark Day! Be sweet to those you love.
All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant. Psalm 25:10
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Boys II Men

Along came Tiffany. We had majority of classes together. We hit it off. There were others but this is where our journey began. She has seen it all. Report cards. Boys. Accidents. Good and bad decisions. Family events. Etc. Little did I know, 18 years later...we're still living our journey.
I do not remember my first meeting with Christy. I wish I did. I'm sure it was one of laughs and weirdness. We helped the special kids during lunch for a year or so. We enjoyed this. Journey continues.
Lauren(1 of 4), Christy, Tiffany and I...Best Friends since 3rd grade!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Where is January?
I hope all 5 of my readers had a splendid January. It flew by. January was a busy month for majority of people. I have a lot on mind lately but nothing I care to go in detail about. I figure, it is just the normal life situations. Things have been fine in '09 for me. Yes, some not so good things too. Overall, all is well.
That person. The one that thinks they know you so well, but they haven't a clue. An hour later, we finally hung up. An old friend. Always pleasant to talk to but the reality of our situation: we must talk more if we truly want to know each other like we used to. People change. Views change. Opinions change. That is life.
I have walls. Don't we all? Maybe to some point? I do know some who are an open book. If this works for them, then okay. That isn't me. I am not too tough to understand but not easily understood either. I have seen my life change, just in the past year. Exciting. Yes, I am still hardheaded. I am a Mills. No, I am not a picky eater anymore. Not a good thing.
What does it take to truly know someone? Energy. Time. 1,000 emotions. Patience. These are just a few examples. I enjoy getting to know people better. Drama stories? Not so much. Keep those to yourself. Getting to know someone is not always easy. But it could be worth it.
Happy February! Make sure you laugh 28 days this month. It is a good thing. And open up to the people that are special to you. It is grand both for all involved.
Pretty day in Jackson. Enjoy!