Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coolest Man I Know

How amazing is our Lord? He's a pretty cool dude. Lately, I have had many hurting friends and family members. As humans, we often cause our own pain. We stumble. We fall. We go down the wrong road. We are lost. Pain can also come to us through things we cannot control. Take my sister, Jaime, for instance. Brain tumors and a weak heart are things she can't control. Sure wish we could.

I don't like hurting. If you like it...let me suggest you go and talk to someone. However, I do like knowing that pain can cause one to draw closer to Christ. That is always a good thing. Pain leads to prayer. Prayer leads to strength. Strength leads to hope. Hope leads to facing the world with your head held high. Facing the world makes you long for Him. It is a beautiful, twisted, confusing, mind blowing situation. AND I LOVE IT!!!

If you are reading this, then you were given one more day. Do good today. Walk it. Talk it. Be it. His plan for us has just begun. The moment you finally fall into His arms and rest in His hands is possibly the best feeling we'll ever feel on this earth.

God is good but life is still hard. Follow. Allow. He can. One day your tears will be wiped away. Do good. See good. Be good.

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