Sunday, September 20, 2009

Just enough light...

How many times a year do I learn the same exact lesson over and over? Trust my Lord and Savior. Yep. This is something that I struggle with. We all do. But how amazing-the moment when you actually put that sentence in action-and trust Him.

Timing is everything. Ever said this? Sure you have. Ever changed that to read, His timing is everything? That moment. The moment when you are content that no matter what is going on and where you are in your life-you know that God will not leave you there forever. He is walking right beside you.

With age comes a few physical alterations. Need an example? I cannot hear. At all. I lost my sense of walking in the dark. Once, my eyes adjusted and I could 'see' in the dark. Nope. Gone. This is the same in life. God gives me just enough light that I need at the time. I try to embrace it and trust that the amount of light is enough.

Much of what God wants to work in us will come about as we grow in our relationships with the people God puts in our lives. Walk step by step with God through each crisis. You will see Him do a miraculous work of transforming, restoring, and healing. God is good.

Miller is getting close to 5 months. What a handful. Never tired. He and Moses have been hanging out a lot. What a pair-those two. I fell off the blog-osphere. Hopefully, back on!

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