Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oh, the things you will do...

It has been awhile. Lots has happened. Lots hasn't happened. I'll do my best to catch you up.

I was in Denver, Colorado for 3 weeks out of the past 7 weeks. I love it out there. Here are a few snaps from the trips.

Changes are happening in my life daily. I don't mind it one bit. I finally have moved past things and enjoying my life and what all is to come. It doesn't get any better than that. Pictures are good. Here are more....

I filmed my first deer hunt. It was a great experience. However, I'm not the best camerawoman!!
I took this sweet young man hunting. He harvested his first deer. It was a great weekend.

Play. Eat. Laugh. Pray.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Prayer Warriors...

Prayers needed. She now has 2 spots in her heart that are leaking. Surgery will happen soon.

God bless her beautiful heart...

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I did it. I got an HTC Desire. Too much money for such a small brain (like mine). Surely I'll figure it day. As for now, I will sit and look at it wondering how I'll ever figure it out!

If you need a pick-me-up in the Jackson area...CS's Peanut Butter Pie will work.

God bless us all, one day left in this week!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Big Baby Pete

15 months old. Over 3 feet tall. Weighing in at pounds.

Yep. That's my nephew. Peter. Or as I like to call him, Big Baby Pete. He still calls me "Cracker". We're working on being politically correct on that...but there is just no changing it at this current time. We won't be going out in public for a little bit!

I'm going out there in a month...and I can't wait. Here are a few updated photos of the big, wild man himself!

This Peter after his great fall. He broke his sweet little leg. But the Bronco orange cast seems to help him feel better!

He is a great help to Leslie when she is baking cupcakes. He makes me laugh!!!!
His big toe is funny!

He knows he is funny!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coolest Man I Know

How amazing is our Lord? He's a pretty cool dude. Lately, I have had many hurting friends and family members. As humans, we often cause our own pain. We stumble. We fall. We go down the wrong road. We are lost. Pain can also come to us through things we cannot control. Take my sister, Jaime, for instance. Brain tumors and a weak heart are things she can't control. Sure wish we could.

I don't like hurting. If you like it...let me suggest you go and talk to someone. However, I do like knowing that pain can cause one to draw closer to Christ. That is always a good thing. Pain leads to prayer. Prayer leads to strength. Strength leads to hope. Hope leads to facing the world with your head held high. Facing the world makes you long for Him. It is a beautiful, twisted, confusing, mind blowing situation. AND I LOVE IT!!!

If you are reading this, then you were given one more day. Do good today. Walk it. Talk it. Be it. His plan for us has just begun. The moment you finally fall into His arms and rest in His hands is possibly the best feeling we'll ever feel on this earth.

God is good but life is still hard. Follow. Allow. He can. One day your tears will be wiped away. Do good. See good. Be good.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Going somewhere?

Knowing Where You’re Going will Keep You From Making Bad Decisions

Donald Miller. Yep. Him again. Reading through this blog...couldn't help but to tune into this one. Couldn't have said it better myself.

What to do with your life? Big decision. Know where you are. Who you are. And where you are headed.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I am weak. But He is strong.

I have been pondering the issue of strength and weakness lately. I wonder if the moments of our existence that are played out on this stage known as life, if what I am see and experiencing daily, are strengths or weaknesses? For example, if a man falls for the seduction of woman or a bottle of empty promises, then realizes he has sacrificed everything dear to him for a fleeting moment of pleasure, do we consider his weakness that lead to his downfall or do we consider the strength that it takes for him to admit his wrong doings and desire for repentance? What about a child whose actions cause parents to loose faith and trust in them? As time passes and the hard lessons are learned, is that child always going to be considered a wild card, untrustworthy or can their foolish actions be put behind them and forgotten?

I think it is human nature to first act on emotion and play out the hand that is dealt. Hope of a positive outcome is more often than not, just hope, but it is not what guides our actions. It is the stress and hurt and betrayal we experience that tend to dictate how we deal with the valleys in life. Time does heal all things, but it does not erase the memories. And when our backs are up against the wall, we often remember the sting of past events and it weighs in on our decisions.

As Christians, we are called to a higher level of tolerance, acceptance and ultimately forgiveness. The weakness displayed in our lives reiterates the fact that we are human. Though created by our Lord God, in His image, we bear the burden and responsibility of free will. Having failed us in the Garden of Eden in the first days of man's existence, free will, will forever be our downfall IF it is not handled with guidance from God. I am one of "those people" who is guilty of acting out of emotion rather than counseling with my Lord first, admitting that sometimes I KNOW what God would want me to do, but instead I chose to handle it my way for for the sake of instant gratification. This has always been my weakness, and as a daughter of Eve, it is in my genes and it takes far more effort to rebel against it than not. It is easy for me to justify anger with hurt, or the lack of trust with the memory hard life lessons learned. I am not the first, nor will I be the last. I am in good company when it comes to misbehaving children of God. Take King David or Jonah for instance.

But God does not see things the same way I do and thank goodness for that! For if my Lord handled me in the same manner that I have handled life, I don't think I would be here today. I am sure he would have thrown his hands up in the air and said, "I give up, you are hopeless and not worth my time or effort." But His love is immeasurable. It is greater than any emotion we know. It is, I believe, unconceivable. To love all of mankind, regardless of the choices they make or the pain we inflict on each other and the world as a whole, is beyond our comprehension. Yet as a child of Christ, personally I rely on this inconceivable notion that my Lord LOVES me......he loves me.

So back to the question, are our downfalls and/or our acknowledgments of then, demonstrations of strength or weakness? I believe they are the same time. For when we are at our weakest moments, God is at his strongest. Through our failures, He is made great and we can only see His true glory, grace and mercy when we are at the lowest point, on our knees looking up.

The pain we experience and inflict can be more than we can bear, but its not for God. And when our soul feels slightly lighter, when you see a mere glimpse of hope, a flickering light, get ready, because God is getting ready to claim the glory and redeem our failures into a blessing. That's the wonderful thing about our Lord. Any struggle we endure and then give unconditionally to Him, He can restore with hope and trust and love in you and those around you, stronger and deeper than it was before. Don't be afraid of your failures, be afraid of pride that might keep you from recognizing them. Don't dwell on the loss, instead lift your eyes and claim the healing that was made yours by His death on a cross. Your suffering was your choice, so was his. But the difference is He paid the price for the consequences so that you could have a second chance to get it right. Your weaknesses and failures cannot sentenced you to eternal death and condemnation if you're a child of God. He has defeated the enemy and will not allow your pain to claim His glory. Give Him the mistakes of life as well as the praise, for just as the Bible teaches us, God's glory in all situations is far greater than our own.

Have a good week friends!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Peter can walk. Listen at the end....he says "flash card". He is a big boy! Les is about to have her hands REALLY full!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I love it. I truly do.

The link below is to a song that will speak to anyone. Been there, done that moment. Check it out.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rocky Mountain Boy

I love my nephew. He stole my heart right away. Then he owned my heart when he put down 2 pancakes, 1 banana, 2 slices of cantaloupe, and a glass of milk. Growing boys must eat.

The other day his daycare teacher found rocks in his diaper. I'm sure he'll be ok. Yes. I find this extremely funny.

The moral of this story is...When you have rocks in your stomach, you must go through the pain to get them out. Then you can chomp down on some pancakes. Glorious!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Right from Wrong

1985 was the year I thought I was going to die. As you can tell, I didn't. I can't remember exactly what I did so wrong. All I can remember is fearing for my life. I saw dad coming towards me with his thick, brown, leather belt. He tells me to turn around and bend over. Now this the point when many kids would scream or cry. Not me.

Just as soon as I bent over, I turned around and grabbed the belt out of his hand and hit him with it. Realizing what I did, I panic and run. Luckily, I had neighbors that loved me. Mr. and Mrs. T were their names. They were old. They gave me Coke in a bottle everytime I went over there. Yep. That is where I ran to.

Mrs. T, knowing I did something wrong, invites me inside and offers me a Coke. I gladly take it, thinking I won this battle. I now know what my father was doing...He knew where I ran to and that more than likely I was enjoying my Coke. Being the man that he is, he waited.

It was 10 minutes later and I hear the knock of death. He found me. Scared again, I hide in the closet and beg the T's to act like I wasn't there. Hidden in the closet, I can hear their conversation. Dad asked if I was there. They tell him no. I hear footsteps coming towards me. He opens the closet door and I burst into tears.

I find it crazy that I have no idea what I did wrong. All I know is I messed up. I had to suffer the consequences. That is life. We get to make decisions. We get to pick which road we go down. We get to choose right from wrong.

Try to make wise decisions. Try to listen to what He tells you. Try. It is hard. But do it.

Happy Wednesday!

Yep. 5K is creeping up on me. August 7 is almost here. Gotta keep running!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Personal Challenge

I believe in having goals. I believe in sharing dreams with others. I believe in having personal challenges set for yourself. The night of my 28th birthday, in the mist of it all, I sat down and made a personal challenge check-off list.

Here are a few tid bits of my challenges:
1. Run in 4 events (first one is August 7...oh my!)
2. Travel to 2 new places
3. Save more money than I did last year
4. Learn a new hobby
5. Find a church that fits me

These are just a few. And I hope to check these things off by my next birthday. That would be nice. I'll keep you updated on my progress. And hopefully I can still breathe after August 7!

4 Day Challenge

4 Day Belief Challenge - Dr. Gary Smalley

If you are struggling with things like pride, anger, unforgiveness, selfishness, lust ... Dr. Gary Smalley encourages us all to take the Four Day Belief Challenge! In areas where we shouldn't let our heart and mind wander, taking those thoughts captive and surrendering them to God. It starts by memorizing these four commands of Christ through these 4 verses (Dr. Smalley says to think upon these things 7-14 times a day and see the difference it makes in your life) :

1) Matthew 5:3 - Blessed are the poor in spirit. Instead of being boastful and arrogant (pride), be humble.

2) Mark 12:30 - Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength

3) Mark 12:31 - Loving your neighbor as yourself. Serving others, instead of using others for our own gain and pleasure.

4) Matthew 5:9,10- Trials are not bad. Thank God for the pain.

I am on day 3. So far, so good. No matter what the trial in your life is and how big it seems to can find comfort in Our King. May we all be humble, loving, and faithful.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday

I'll be 28 tomorrow. Yippy. The days leading up to my birthday have been less than pleasurable. I love a good birthday but this will is different.

As I learned many things within the past few weeks, I will say that the most important 'life lesson' from these few weeks is this: Trusting people is hard. But do it. People will hurt you. Don't hurt them. When you say I love you. Mean it.

Three little things. Seems easy. It isn't. At the age of 28 I feel like I am starting all over. This is not a bad thing. I'm thankful the bad is gone and I can, once again, be faithful in knowing that good is up ahead.

Bring on 28. I'm ready.

P.S.- Miller lost his buddy. He is lost without him. So far I've wallet, leg of a chair, and a shoe. Must find him a new friend ASAP!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mower and Life

Life brings about changes. For me, change happens often. So I learn to adapt and push through.

A big change happened in my life last week. One that I didn’t see coming. And not a change that I wanted. Though it happened and I could do nothing it still hurt. The change hurt me. But as time passes, so will the hurt.

I love to laugh. Laughing and smiling are two things I’m fairly good at. I’m about to tell you a story that sums up my life. Smile. Cry. Laugh. Learn.

Peter (nephew) was in MS all week. We had a blast together. Unfortunately, the time came for him to fly back to Denver and for me to cut my grass. I have a small 20” push mower. Not new. Not fancy. But cuts the grass.

I tried to cut my grass one night while Peter was in town. I couldn’t get the mower to crank. Me being the problem solver that I am (not with all things), I tried to figure out why I could not get this mower to crank. I figured it out. It needed new oil. I buy the oil and pour it in. The mower still will not crank.

A few days pass and the grass is super tall. I tell my dad about my mower situation and he suggests that I need a new spark plug. I get home and 30 minutes later, I figured out what a spark plug is. I twist off the old one and head straight to Lowe’s. They nicely sell me a new spark plug that I installed. I crank the mower. It cranks, however, I was highly embarrassed because of the large smoke cloud following me. I let it smoke for 3 minutes…cut one row without seeing where I was going…and I turn the mower off. Upset.

Enough of this. I was not about to continue cutting my grass with my mower smoking up the neighborhood. How many have guessed the problem? Yep. The mower needed a spark plug but it also had too much oil. I figured this out and 3.5 hours later my lawn was freshly cut.

Like life, sometimes we need a new spark plug. Something new. A change. Other times in life, we need to just keep things fresh and refueled like the oil. Whichever way you prefer to look at it, life is about working. Working at your job. Working on your relationships. Working on your faith. You get the picture. So change the oil and keep going or get something brand new in your life.

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. And you never know the “if’s” in life when you don’t try. My yard looks good. My mower just needed a little tendin’ to! (I really should pay someone to cut my grass!!!)

Monday, June 21, 2010


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24

I wanted to share these verses. They spoke to me this morning on different levels. Hope they encourage you too!

We go through ups and downs. And yet, He will see us through.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

4 letter word

Pathetically enough, I watched the movie Valentine’s Day this weekend. Hollywood really makes things ‘work for the best’. Not a single actor in the movie ended up alone. Magical.

However, there was only one part of that movie I agreed with: Love is a feeling. We all need feelings. And love is the best feeling.

I believe in love. I believe it will and can happen for anyone. I believe one day I will have a strong, long-lasting love with one man. I believe in staying together and working on your relationship every day.

I am single. Never been married. However, I have many friends that are married, divorced, single or widowed. We each have our own story. All stories are worthy of telling.

I have come to a point in my life that some big decisions must be made. I can’t help but to think about the man that showed me how a husband and father should be. My dad. He is a great man. I am his youngest girl and we have a special relationship.

Over the past few days, dad and I have had the opportunity to talk about life, work, relationships and love. How blessed I am to have a father that cares so much. His advice is never selfish or harmful. His love is never fake. And his hug is always comforting. Happy father’s day dad! I love you.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Another day...

My job is different. More than likely, it is different than yours. I like my job. I like being outside. I like animals. I like exploring new thing. Here's what I've been up to lately:
Turkey hunting in Kemper County. 10.5" beard and 1" spurs. Great story if you have the time.

Fishing in Jones County at Lake Bogue Homa. Great place to go fishing...lots of fish!!!

I went with the crew to tag alligators at the Reservoir. This gator was almost 13 ft long.

I find these things neat. Not everyone would. That is what makes the world go round. Get outside soon. It is about to 90+ hurry up. Hot is no good.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Orleans Wedding

My sweet friend, Lauren, got married this past weekend in New Orleans. It was a perfect wedding. Beautiful. Inspirational. Enjoyable. All you could want for your friends wedding!

Tiffany, Lauren, Me and Christy. Friends since 3rd grade.

Congratulations to Lauren and Matt! May God continue to bless you both and your marriage. I'm so proud to have you both in my life!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finding Beauty

I spent an hour Sunday watching Jessica Simpson's new show. She is now traveling around the world to find what makes a woman beautiful in other countries. Not that the show was interesting but the countries were. Simp's is still in her own world. Though she means well. She is 5'4" and used to wear a size 6, which now is down to a 4. She took on lots of criticism about being a size 6 but the girl still eats. That is beauty. She also burps A LOT. Nothing wrong with those two things, in my opinion.

So here is the question: What defines beauty? We all strive for it but what are we striving for? I find beauty in the old man that smells like rat poop, though he may not feel very beautiful. I find beauty in laughter. I also find my grandmother that has pasted away, beautiful for her strength she possessed. I find beauty in George Strait because God gave the man a pretty face.

Beauty is found in so many things. May we all find it in places and people. Especially when we're not looking for it.

I've talked about Donald Miller in prior blogs. He is an author/speaker/cool guy. I named my dog after him. So he must be beautiful in some form. Check out his blog. He has challenged me to take the "What If" Challenge. I dare you to take it also. Read about it. Do it. It will bring good to your life and the ones around you.

"People grow when they are in motion."-Donald Miller
That is beauty. Grow!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catching up...

Nancy and I went to New Orleans a few weeks ago. It was great fun. Adventure. We went to the George Strait concert one night. I do love George.

I went with the Black Bear Program Coordinator a few weeks ago to check a bear den. This was a really cool day. Unfortunately, she did not have cubs. Research was done and the bear was fine after the event. But I had to snap a picture!

Everyone has posted snow pictures. I figured I should too. This is the only picture I could get with the pups. It was great fun playing in the snow.

2010 is the year for weddings and friends having babies. Though it is flying by fast, it has already been an eventful year. I leave in 3 days for a week in Colorado. I'll have lots to post when I return.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Can't have anything nice these days...

Miller. This one word will sum up so much in life. He is now 9 months old and full of himself. The following are pictures that will walk you through only one month of his sweet life. However, at the end, if you would like a dog...let me know! Kidding. I wouldn't trade him for anything. Though, I would like for him to STOP CHEWING.

This is my cable cord. Now I'm just waiting for Comcast to come install a new cord.

His first battle wound. He and Moses played too rough. This was 2 weeks ago. He still has no hair on that spot. Goodness.

That cord is supposed to be attached to my mower. Note to self: NEVER leave the mower in the backyard with Miller.

He loves my rug. Bought it a month ago. Already has 3 holes.

He loves his toy duck!!!

Though he may be rowdy and tear up everything, I wouldn't trade anything for moments like this. He can be sweet. He may have to be sleepy to be this sweet but he means well!

Get a dog! They are entertaining, stressful, rowdy, precious, and end up being all you didn't know you needed.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Grammy Review

I watched the Grammy's last night. Not on my favorite things to do list. By any means. But I did. Bon Jovi, you are still around. Congrats. Beyonce, you are still great to all. Keep up the good work. Michael, obviously you are greatly missed when we still talk about you nearly 8 months after your death. You lived a good one.

Then there is Taylor. Taylor Swift. I never liked the girl. Never liked her songs. Never liked her look. Never liked her- anything. She completely ruined Stevie Nicks last night. Not that I even care or like Stevie Nicks but the lady didn't deserve that. Taylor, get off stage. You are terrible.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christ and football

I hear it all the time: Tebow is a joke. I don't like Tebow. Blah blah blah...

Read this. And watch the video.

May we all bless someone today.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


The other day was nice. Warmer. Cool breeze. And NO rain. I grabbed the dogs and head to the park. Windows down. Sunroof open. Miller thought the sunroof was amazing. This is how he rode the entire time.


12 years old. What were you like? I was probably in the driveway playing basketball or getting into something outside. You are 12. All you do is enjoy sunny days, hang out with friends, and eat dinner when Momma calls you in.

Yesterday, a man from work called. He asked me if I would go to Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital. There is a little girl with cancer that loves watching Mississippi Outdoors and she wants to meet me. My goodness. I was very honored by this opportunity.

I take her a few Mississippi Outdoors items, a Realtree hat, and a Hot Heads hat. I walk into the room to see a precious 12 year old girl laying in a hospital bed. My heart sinks. I introduce myself and hand her the stuff I brought. She loved it all. She immediately put the Hot Heads hat on. She really loved it.

I sit on her bed. We chat. She tells me she loves hunting and fishing. She loves her friends. She plays basketball, softball, tennis, and volleyball. She is a cheerleader. And she wants her school to start a kickball team. Hearing her talk, I couldn't help but to think-she and I had so much in common, minus the cheerleading and kickball.

I am very glad I got to meet such a special little girl. It really made my day.

Her name is Karrie. Karrie has a strong cancer. Karrie has a stronger God. Please pray for sweet Karrie and her family. They were all so worn out yet hopeful.

If life doesn't find you in the hospital today, then be thankful. Perspective. It's all how you look at it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Finding peace to our madness. Comfort to our sadness. This is our God.

Humbly, I pray for my friends that hurt today. We aren't made to understand everything. Trust and faith must be your key players. Doubt is second string on the JV team. Don't play it.

1 Corinthians 14:33

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello 2010

Starting a new year can be a tricky thing. As the gyms are full and the organic isle is empty, one can't help but to think. I know I could shed a few pounds and eat better myself. Have I started that? No. Not even close. Although I did get the stomach bug and lost a few. In time, it pasted, and I found those pounds again.

I've never made a New Year's resolution. Probably never will. I know myself too well to do that. Instead I just try to do good (whatever the good is). Although, I will skydive this year.

July 2010 I will turn 28. Yippy. Not quite as I thought things would be at this age. But that is good. Because there is so much good. I have a healthy family. I have a chunky, adorable nephew. My car is still going. I have a funny dog. And I have a roof over my head.

I have no clue what stumbles and bumps will come this year but I know one thing. Things that matter and things that don't. There is nothing that time won't erase and money won't replace.

As I spend time reflecting on life, my future, and if I should find a new job...I can't help but smile. I'm blessed. I'll find a better job. My life is good. And whatever comes up in life, I can face it.

I hope this new year brings a good and positive attitude to us all. A patient heart. And a loving spirit. Thank God for dogs, friends, and music. Amen.

This is Moses, me, and Miller watching the ducks on the Rez. I do love these dogs!