How do you sum up three years? Today, I sum it up in one word. TUCKER.
Yes, today I celebrate 3 lovely years of having Tucker in my life. The poor fella woke up this morning to me singing 'Happy Birthday'. It was 5:40 and he wasn't sure what was going on. He quickly realized he did nothing wrong or that I had not lost my mind when he was served his birthday breakfast that consisted of 2 hot dogs, 1 pig ear and a large ham bone. He probably has a tummy ache now.
Tucker has been a best friend. Just like a human best friend...we've had our moments of thinking I was done with him because he is so bad but we've also had our moments of laying beside one another relaxing. Tuck has a keen sense of knowing when I am sad or upset. He also can tell when I am ready to play...he takes full advantage of these times.
It all started in Texas. Everything's bigger in Texas. This is a true statement about Tucker. He is a large 119 lbs (losing weight) and full of energy. A couple from Louisiana decided they needed a dog. They made the trip to Texas and brought a yellow lab home with them. They named him Tater. After a month of having Tater the couple decides to split, leaving Tater homeless. A man in Louisiana asked an old friend of mine if he would like the dog. He knew I wanted a dog. He told the man yes.
I get a call..."I found you a dog. I'll bring him to you today. He is 5 months old." I was pumped. A little pup that was all mine. When Tater was delivered to my house, I thought the age thing was a joke. He weighed 60 lbs. The vet said Tater's papers are correct. "Amanda, you will just have a big dog on your hands." Little did we know...
Tater quickly changed to Tucker. Tucker ate a lot and grew a lot. He has never made a mess in the house, unless he was sick. He has never bitten anyone, unless by accident. He has been a great companion. But I can't say that for everyday we've had together.
I love shoes. If I could buy one thing, it would be a nice pair of stilettos. I found the perfect pair. So did Tucker. I walk in the house to find my new shoes mangled. They didn't even look like shoes. The heel was the only thing left. Tucker got to know that heel pretty well for the next 10 minutes.
Tiffany comes over for a visit the week before her wedding. She is excited. We start talking, only to soon realize her Rainbow flip-flops she just purchased were now Tucker's newest chew toy. The next day I run to the store to buy her a new pair.
Tucker went through a period of throwing up. To cure this I was told to give him an Imodium. Bad, bad, bad. I accidently gave him one too many on a Sunday. We had to rush to the Pet ER in Jackson because Tucker couldn't breathe. Not to mention he had HUGE whelps all over his body. No more Imodium for him. Also, if by some strange reason the elderly couple with their grandchildren who were taking a Sunday stroll that most awful day read this...I apologize for being so rude to you on the interstate. I was in a hurry. You were in the way.
Tucker has disappeared for a day or so. He has been running down the busiest road in Clinton. He has pooped just about everywhere his feet have landed. He has had one report of disturbing the peace on his record. He has eaten one wax machine, one phone cord, and many other items that may be lying around. I got mom a chimanaya for Christmas. Within a few days, Tucker managed to get his head stuck in it. To save himself from carrying it around for the rest of his life, he busted it on the patio. He had a black head for weeks.
Now, reading this you may think Tucker is bad. Bad is not the correct word. Mischievous is. He can't help himself. He is full of life. If he were human, he'd be like me...full of questions. He also, never gets in real trouble unless it is super bad. I just let him be himself. I know many do not think this is the best form of parenting but I can't help it. He is adorable!
Tucker had a girlfriend. They had babies. It was the proudest moment of my life! He loves girlfriends. This is a picture of a few of his children. Note: His girlfriend at the time was chocolate!

The puppy to the right was identical to my sweetie. Tucker wasn't real sure about a mini-him! He was as gentle as a 2 year old, 115 lb, male lab could be. It was entertaining!
Tucker has been with me through so much. He has given me kisses when I cried. He has crawled in my lap when we're both quiet. Overall, we've been great for one another. Tucker loves people and attention. When no one else is around and I think no one cares...Tucker does. He doesn't have to have the best of everything. He is simple. I like simple. I get simple. He makes me smile and laugh. It is never a dull day with him around. So cheers to sweet Tuck! Happy 3rd Birthday! May we enjoy many more!!