I am officially (as if I didn't already realize this fact) in my upper 20's and single. I am not complaining. I promise. But let me tell you, after 5 hours of yard work today, I deserve to complain if I want. My yard looks so lovely though. I learned to use a push mower, weed eater and what poison ivy looks like, all in one day. Poison Ivy-well this knowledge came to me AFTER I already pulled and tugged on it for a good 5 minutes. I haven't broken out yet. Hopefully, I'll bypass that part of yard work.
I enjoyed my hard work today. My end result made me smile. I pat myself on the back. Now it is still early and I am about to get in the bed. A yard can wear you out!
My new roommate arrived today. My dad. He snores but he is like a best friend. I'm glad he is here. Spring is here plus dad is here, this means 1 thing...fishing after work! So this is exciting. I enjoy fishing. He will only be here on and off until they sell the house in Hattie and buy one here. I pray it all works out smoothly.
Last full week of March. Craziness. Enjoy spring!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kiss me. I'm Irish.
I am of Irish descent. This is on both my maternal and paternal side. I enjoy this fun fact!
Jaime has been in The Hills with dads family for over 2 weeks. Mom and dad went up to get her yesterday. I had to post this picture because it is priceless. The small things that make us smile are the things in life that really matter.
Jaime has been in The Hills with dads family for over 2 weeks. Mom and dad went up to get her yesterday. I had to post this picture because it is priceless. The small things that make us smile are the things in life that really matter.

Green Eggs and Ham!
Work. It has been rough. But I let it get the best of me. That is too bad for me. I let a work issue steal my joy and my happiness. Lesson learned. Shame on me. “Don’t let people steal from you. Stay happy.” This is what I am now telling myself.
Some employees want to walk in and use their thumb to squash all creativity and productivity out of you? Yes, they probably do this. They probably try at 47 different angels to come at you. Do they accomplish? Well they do if you allow them to. There are times when people will run over and this is understandable. Thankfully, there are times when you stand strong for yourself.
In passing, I might have mentioned this work situation to some. Only a few had deep details. After complaining to these few people I am close to about my situation at work, I realized my situation wasn’t getting any better. Until, I talked to my dad. He was quick to remind me that I must always keep my head straight. I must always have a smile on my face. This doesn’t mean I like them AND no matter how much I want to roll my eyes at them, DON’T. (I tend to roll my eyes a great deal of the time. I hate it when I do this and I do not realize it.) A flaw. I am aware. Pops also reminded me that my work is great and I show great passion towards it. The truth will come out. And that is a fact. It will.
It is so good to have encouraging people in your life. I find such comfort in the great people I have in my life that genuinely care for me and invest in my life. It is so easy for some to say ‘find a new job’ or ‘don’t worry about her’. So I really appreciate those whose words went deeper than the surface. Thank you.
My work may not have my name on it. It has someone else’s name tattooed on it. But this will work out. As I continue to smile and be happy because I DO HAVE A JOB…please remember me during this trying time at work. It isn’t perfect. But it shall get better!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear green...it is a fun day! Green is a great color! I love the story of St. Patrick. If you have not heard it, google it. Pinch the grumpy/boring people who do not have on green. Peeeench!!
Happy 35th Anniversary to Mom and Dad, today!!! Coral or Jade is the traditional gift for this anniversary. I'm pretty confident that my father will be non-traditional (again), seeing that he hasn't followed a single tradition in his life. Mom, I always wondered if you wore green on your wedding day? I know I would have. Such a great day! Enjoy the day!
Some employees want to walk in and use their thumb to squash all creativity and productivity out of you? Yes, they probably do this. They probably try at 47 different angels to come at you. Do they accomplish? Well they do if you allow them to. There are times when people will run over and this is understandable. Thankfully, there are times when you stand strong for yourself.
In passing, I might have mentioned this work situation to some. Only a few had deep details. After complaining to these few people I am close to about my situation at work, I realized my situation wasn’t getting any better. Until, I talked to my dad. He was quick to remind me that I must always keep my head straight. I must always have a smile on my face. This doesn’t mean I like them AND no matter how much I want to roll my eyes at them, DON’T. (I tend to roll my eyes a great deal of the time. I hate it when I do this and I do not realize it.) A flaw. I am aware. Pops also reminded me that my work is great and I show great passion towards it. The truth will come out. And that is a fact. It will.
It is so good to have encouraging people in your life. I find such comfort in the great people I have in my life that genuinely care for me and invest in my life. It is so easy for some to say ‘find a new job’ or ‘don’t worry about her’. So I really appreciate those whose words went deeper than the surface. Thank you.
My work may not have my name on it. It has someone else’s name tattooed on it. But this will work out. As I continue to smile and be happy because I DO HAVE A JOB…please remember me during this trying time at work. It isn’t perfect. But it shall get better!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear green...it is a fun day! Green is a great color! I love the story of St. Patrick. If you have not heard it, google it. Pinch the grumpy/boring people who do not have on green. Peeeench!!
Happy 35th Anniversary to Mom and Dad, today!!! Coral or Jade is the traditional gift for this anniversary. I'm pretty confident that my father will be non-traditional (again), seeing that he hasn't followed a single tradition in his life. Mom, I always wondered if you wore green on your wedding day? I know I would have. Such a great day! Enjoy the day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Jibba Jabba
You know what I think? It doesn’t matter but I’m in that kind of mood.
I think that if you have something to say to someone that may hurt them, find a respectful way to say it. If it is on a topic that is none of your business, keep your mouth shut.
I think that riding in the middle of the seat in a truck is so awful. You can sit in the passenger side and be just as in love.
I think that if you truly love someone (friend, family, etc) then you should do things that make them happy. Relationships aren’t always about one person.
I think that if you want to get to know someone completely, you have to invest time. Enough said.
I think that all lazy people should work in the hands-on-labor industry. Try and be useful.
I think if you are 25+, you should not live with your parents. They are created to raise you. You are created to visit them.
I think all work places should offer a time to work out and offer an environment that allows individuality in productivity. Majority of rules are boring and stressful.
I think everyone should spend at least 1 hour a day, during the week, outside.
I think God created laughter as the universal connection between all mankind.
I think everyone knows when it is time to move on. It is just a matter of taking that first step.
I think that if you can’t talk to the head of your company…your company lacks many key essentials to be productive and produce.
I think break-ups are good and bad. Try and focus on how it was good and why it was bad…then smile. It happened. It is done. There was a reason.
I think there is no reason for people to not graduate from high school and college, currently and within the past 10 years. Get an education.
I think flowers are great. There is nothing like a grouping of flowers to brighten your house, office or your day. Yes, I buy myself flowers because they are so wonderful.
I think those of you that do not wash your hands after going to the restroom are SICK.
I think you should always make time for others.
I think regrets are silly. We all have things we wish we could take back but living in the past is ridiculous and so is letting the past consume you.
I think a clean house is important. So is allergy medicine.
I think mentors and role models are important for the human spirit.
I think traditions are both good and bad. Too many traditions leave no room for fun random adventures. I only have one tradition. I like it this way.
I think that if you have something to say to someone that may hurt them, find a respectful way to say it. If it is on a topic that is none of your business, keep your mouth shut.
I think that riding in the middle of the seat in a truck is so awful. You can sit in the passenger side and be just as in love.
I think that if you truly love someone (friend, family, etc) then you should do things that make them happy. Relationships aren’t always about one person.
I think that if you want to get to know someone completely, you have to invest time. Enough said.
I think that all lazy people should work in the hands-on-labor industry. Try and be useful.
I think if you are 25+, you should not live with your parents. They are created to raise you. You are created to visit them.
I think all work places should offer a time to work out and offer an environment that allows individuality in productivity. Majority of rules are boring and stressful.
I think everyone should spend at least 1 hour a day, during the week, outside.
I think God created laughter as the universal connection between all mankind.
I think everyone knows when it is time to move on. It is just a matter of taking that first step.
I think that if you can’t talk to the head of your company…your company lacks many key essentials to be productive and produce.
I think break-ups are good and bad. Try and focus on how it was good and why it was bad…then smile. It happened. It is done. There was a reason.
I think there is no reason for people to not graduate from high school and college, currently and within the past 10 years. Get an education.
I think flowers are great. There is nothing like a grouping of flowers to brighten your house, office or your day. Yes, I buy myself flowers because they are so wonderful.
I think those of you that do not wash your hands after going to the restroom are SICK.
I think you should always make time for others.
I think regrets are silly. We all have things we wish we could take back but living in the past is ridiculous and so is letting the past consume you.
I think a clean house is important. So is allergy medicine.
I think mentors and role models are important for the human spirit.
I think traditions are both good and bad. Too many traditions leave no room for fun random adventures. I only have one tradition. I like it this way.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I can't see
Driving to work is a bit of a chore some days. This morning, as I am creeping down I-55 at a record turtle pace I noted I could not see more than 10 yards ahead. Due to what I later came to realize was a wreck and not to mention the pollen that is as thick as fog in Jackson. (Hurry up rain. My allergies are killing me.) I am not usually irritated with traffic. I can only recall a few times when I was overwhelmed with anger because of traffic. For the most part, I sit back and listen to tunes.
My place of employment is really coming down of us to be on time. That means 8:00 am NOT 8:01. This is hard for some. Yes, I may be a part of that 'some' on days. Sorry. Get over it. With each passing minute, this morning, I moved another 9 inches. Luckily, I left home earlier than usual. I would not be late.
Sitting on 55 not moving, I began to think how parallel this is to life. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. I knew something was ahead but I wasn't sure what. Like life, we can not see what is in store for us. We are very careful, for fear of getting hurt or getting in a 'wreck'. As I am sitting and waiting for the traffic to move, I heard the words coming from the speakers in my car 'You know better than I'. Joy Williams beautifully sings this song.
How true this is. How amazing the way my morning played out. He truly does know better than I. He knows all. Who am I to question His ways or to try and get a tight grasp of understanding His ways? I will continue to face hard and confusing times but nothing will ever be greater than Him. I am so richly blessed that by faith I believe and know that God knows what is ahead. The traffic will clear. The fog will clear. He will still remain. Promise.
SO...I am very supportive and faithful to those I love. I love the ones I love and I will be their biggest fan. I mentioned in my last blog that my family will be moving back to Jackson. Check out www.hillcrestchristian.org . Yes, I am the baby girl and I'm always proud!
Also, I am thinking about taking the FRS Healthy Energy Challenge. I'll let you know. I have also challenged myself to be different everyday. If this means going out of my way for someone, not getting easily irritated or not letting soar attitudes affect me...then so be it. Challenge yourself to do something. I'm going to the zoo for lunch next week. I will post pics. It shall be splendid.
Get outside. Spring is almost officially here. Buy yellow tulips to decorate your house! Ahh...flowers are great. Pollen is not.
My place of employment is really coming down of us to be on time. That means 8:00 am NOT 8:01. This is hard for some. Yes, I may be a part of that 'some' on days. Sorry. Get over it. With each passing minute, this morning, I moved another 9 inches. Luckily, I left home earlier than usual. I would not be late.
Sitting on 55 not moving, I began to think how parallel this is to life. I couldn't see what was ahead of me. I knew something was ahead but I wasn't sure what. Like life, we can not see what is in store for us. We are very careful, for fear of getting hurt or getting in a 'wreck'. As I am sitting and waiting for the traffic to move, I heard the words coming from the speakers in my car 'You know better than I'. Joy Williams beautifully sings this song.
How true this is. How amazing the way my morning played out. He truly does know better than I. He knows all. Who am I to question His ways or to try and get a tight grasp of understanding His ways? I will continue to face hard and confusing times but nothing will ever be greater than Him. I am so richly blessed that by faith I believe and know that God knows what is ahead. The traffic will clear. The fog will clear. He will still remain. Promise.
SO...I am very supportive and faithful to those I love. I love the ones I love and I will be their biggest fan. I mentioned in my last blog that my family will be moving back to Jackson. Check out www.hillcrestchristian.org . Yes, I am the baby girl and I'm always proud!
Also, I am thinking about taking the FRS Healthy Energy Challenge. I'll let you know. I have also challenged myself to be different everyday. If this means going out of my way for someone, not getting easily irritated or not letting soar attitudes affect me...then so be it. Challenge yourself to do something. I'm going to the zoo for lunch next week. I will post pics. It shall be splendid.
Get outside. Spring is almost officially here. Buy yellow tulips to decorate your house! Ahh...flowers are great. Pollen is not.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snowy Sunday

I tried trout for the first time this weekend at Jon's Pier. It was a doggone pity, I didn't care for it. Luckily, dessert was fabulous! A cool little joint at Pickwick is the Broken Spoke. They serve a variety of foods and cool redneck t-shirts. I enjoyed the little place. Unique restaurants are the spots to hit up. Especially the ones that scratch out a menu item with a pen and change the area code on their sign with a marker. Charming.
Much has gone on since the last time I wrote. With much prayer, my family has decided to move back to the Jackson area. Dad's final day at PCS (Hattiesburg) will be after spring break and he will join the team at Hillcrest Christian, as the Head Football Coach and Athletic Director. I am very excited about their move. Jaime is not real happy about moving. Change is not her favorite. Please pray for her in this adjustment. Hopefully, the house in Hattie will sell with ease and they will find exactly what they are wanting in a new house here.
How quickly time has flown by. It is already March 2, 2009. I am so thankful for good friends and a loving family. 2009 has been splendid so far. I hope this for you, too. Laugh today!

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